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Acest proiect este realizat cu sprijinul |
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The Romanian Film Festival in London is organised by Profusion International Creative Consultancy, in partnership with The National Centre of Cinematography in Romania and Curzon Cinemas.
This project is supported by The Ministry of Foreign Affairs - The Department for Romanians Abroad, Embassy of Romania to the UK, ROMANi-ONLiNE.co.uk, Romania Gateway 2018 and Filmhouse.
Very popular and extremely talented actors and directors will come and join us for the UK premieres of their films: director Nae Caranfil (Closer to the Moon), actress Ela Ionescu (The Unsaved), director Dan Chisu and actress Ioana Flora (Deja Vu), actors Victor Rebengiuc and Mariana Mihut (Forest of the Hanged), director Laurentiu Damian (Maria Tanase) and director Stere Gulea (I Am An Old Communist Hag). Our special festival friends - Alina Salcudeanu (International Relations, CNC), Carmen Stejeroiu (Manager Film Fund,CNC), journalist Nicoleta Dabija and writer Liviu Antonesei - will join the celebration.
Friends of the Festival:
Alina Salcudeanu, Ana Santos, Victor Rebengiuc, Sir George Iacobescu, His Excellency Dr Ion Jinga, Nelly Miricioiu-Kirk, Liviu Antonesei, Stejarel Olaru, Mihai Radoi, Adrian Cherciu
Special thanks:
Bogdan Stanoevici, Mihai Ioan Kogalniceanu, Mihai Delcea, Viorel Raducanescu, John O’Sullivan, Romania Gateway 2018, Ileana Iacobescu, Nico de Transilvania, Iulia Calota, Maria Chiriac, Vali Staicu, Embassy of Romania to the UK, Elena Mitrica, Ileana Florea, Ileana-Farmers Market, Lara Ispas, Lara’s Cakes, Ian Haydn Smith, Michael Garrad, Kiran Dhanoya, Irene Musumeci, Jon Wood, Margot Daviot, Rod White, Evi Tsiligaridou, James Rice, Jenny Leask, Filmhouse, Alessio Campo, Remus Robu, Maria Istrate, Monica Popa-Tolontan, Alina Hagima, Ana Maria Oprea, Olivia & Robert Temple, The Prodan Romanian Cultural Foundation, Ivan Phillips, Deborah Hedgecock, Robert Waite, Diana Ambrosa, Raluca Murg, Anca Rujan, Luciana Miu, Georgiana Murariu, Roxana Ghirbomean, Dan Suliman, Mugurel Costache, Victor Makourin, Celluloid Dreams, Hengameh Panahi, Geraldine Bryant, Pascale Ramonda, Gilda Conon, Tiberiu Antohi, Oana Padureanu, Zoia Tasente, Remus Azoitei, Alecsandra Raluca Dragoi, Diaspora Romaneasca, BiskitRadio, fEAST, Gazeta Romaneasca, DIASPORA ONLINE, GHiDUL ROMANESC, ROMANi ONLiNE
Our generous contributors on Indiegogo:
Laura Tutu, Ovidiu Lapusneanu, Bogdan Colibaba, Catalin Savin, Anne-Marie Martin, Flavius Parvulescu, George Adam, Gabriela Stanescu, Iulia Ionita (www.mangroves.co.uk), Catalina Cotoara, Daciana Florea, Laura Grigore, Oana Tenter, Strada Sforii (www.StradaSforii.Ro), Mihai Crisan (www.mihaicrisan.co.uk), Simona Ciobanu, Jozefina Komporaly, Swithun Crowe (http://blog.theforest.org.uk, http://www.rosiamontana.org), Victor Rebengiuc, Bogdan Vierasu, Roxana Puianu, Elena Moinescu, Luci DeLon, Tatiana Simion, Simona Manea, Ioana Marinca, Ildiko Spelt-Branescu, Liliana Grigore, Loredana Baranga, Andreea Deiac, Olga Rosca, Saeed Taji Farouky, Oana Pirtac, Bianca Gutu, Iulia Calota (www.iuliacalota.com), Bogdan Cristea, Carmen Tofan, Manuela Toca, Diana Ambrosa, Ruxandra Popp, Ramona Iosip, April Ibinceanu, Claudia Gheorghita, Robin Ashenden, Mihaela Filipescu, Ion Florescu, Mihaela & Monica Padure, Debbie Stowe, Gabriella Pasca, Alex Delescu, Nansi O’Connor, Horea Bacila, Juliana Olaru, David Bartlett, Maria Tanase, Claudia Murg, Olivia Negrean
Romanian community media supporters: Diaspora Românească (http://www.diasporaro.com), BiskitRadio (http://biskitradio.co.uk/), fEAST (www.vibratii.co.uk/tickets), Gazetă Românească (http://www.gazetaromaneasca.co.uk), DIASPORA ONLINE (http://diasporaonline.info/)
Festival Team:
Ramona Mitrica – festival director
Mike Phillips – festival curator
Dan Mitrica – webmaster
Laura Lazar – advertising/web editor
Eugen Androne – logistics
Kwesi Phillips, Mihai Risnoveanu, Adrian Cherciu, Christian Havrincea, Mihai Crisan – media
Any links external to the page www.rofilmfest.com, including those under the heading "Our generous contributors on Indiegogo" (which have been inserted at the behest of the Festival’s crowdfunders, as part of the perks offered by the Festival for their respective contributions), do not reflect the opinion of the Festival, and neither the Romanian Film Festival in London nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use of those particular links and of the linked contents, nor for the opinions presented in any of the contents (written, audio, video). The sole exception to this disclaimer is made in the case of the Festival’s Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo accounts, as well as other social media accounts controlled by the Festival.