
Convorbiri Romanesti = Dialogue

Convorbiri Romanesti

Convorbiri Romanesti sigla

Convorbiri Romanesti = Dialogue

Your space for all things Romanian. The latest Cultural News, up to date Events Diary, exciting Interviews and more. Much more. Join us for a meaningful DIALOGUE.
The magazine’s aims are to create a positive image of the community not only for the members of the Romanian diaspora, but also for the UK community at large. 
Convorbiri creates connections and openings by inspiring and instigating exchanges of information and knowledge.

Convorbiri Romanesti este o revista culturala, in format electronic, editata in Marea Britanie de Profusion International. 
Apare lunar si este dedicata promovarii culturii romane. Editata in limba romana, cu rezumate in limba engleza, Convorbiri contine stiri culturale, interviuri, portrete, povesti de succes, recenzii, corespondente, recomandari.
Acest proiect este realizat cu sprijinul Ministerului Afacerilor Externe – Departamentul Politici pentru Relatia cu Romanii de Pretutindeni.

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Tel: +44 7456 542570